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                Meeting And Events

                2007 Annual Conference and the 15th Anniversary of China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee Were Held in State


                  2007 annual conference and the 15th anniversary of China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee were held in state on November 28th ,2007 in Shuangyong Hotel,Shanghai. More than 200 delegates and some guests of honor attened this significant event.
                  After the conference,a awards ceremony was hold.Beijing Plastics Research Institute, Hangzhou Cathay Packing & Sealing Co., Ltd , Dongguan Rixin Cables Co.,Ltd , Shandong Dongyue Group, Zhonghao Chenguang Chemical Institute, etc more than 10 companies won the awards for their contributions to the development of Chinese fluoroplastics industry.
                  Chen sheng,general secretary of China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee,Professor Li Ming Wu and Mr Paulson of JMJ Company delivered lectures or introduces to the delegators.
                  The delegators visited a serious of profession exhibition in Shanghai New International Exhibition Center,some of them also participated in the exhibition and exhibited their new products.