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                Meeting And Events

                2008 PTFE Molding and Processing Training Seminar Was Held Sucessfully


                  2008 PTFE molding and processing training seminar was held successfully on October 24th to 25th in Huashan hotel,Nanjing.Which the sponsor was Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Processing Industry Association.Over 160 learners have been trained,most of them came form the units of China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee. 
                  This two days training seminar were rich in content,including the prosessing base theory and technology,selection of materials and solutions to the common problems.Many experts gave a series of lessones with plenty of their own experiences,and learners also accomplished a lot.A questionnaire survey after the seminar showed that all learners thought they benefited a lot from the seminar and asked subcommittee to hold more similar seminars in the future.