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                Meeting And Events

                Pre-announcement about Holding‘2021 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing’


                To whom it may concern:

                In order to promote the high-quality development of the industry, Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Processing Industry Association is scheduled to hold “2021 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing” in November this year. The forum will focus on market demands, new applications and new trends. It will promote the characteristic development of the industry.

                Please view the main topics as follow:

                1. Market demands and development trends of the international fluoroplastics industry;

                2. Opportunities for the development of fluoroplastics industry under the new situation;

                3. Interpretation of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention;

                4. Development and application research of fluororesin without PFOA;

                5. Coordinated development of upstream and downstream industrial chains in fluoroplastics industry;

                6. Application of fluoroplastics in the fields of environmental protection, filtration, semiconductor, automobile, sealing, construction, communication, medical treatment, wires and cables, and new energy;

                7. Development and application of high-performance fluoroplastics processing technology;

                8. Intelligent manufacturing and quality control of fluoroplastic products;

                9. Recycling technology of fluoroplastic products;

                10. Development trend of fluororesins and fluoroplastics processing equipments.


                Please E-mail to the committee with the title at the email subject. The deadline is July.30, 2021. If you want to make a speech, please send your article’s outline to the committee email.


                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Association                                      

                Telephone: +86-10-64030431, +86-10-64034804    Fax: +86-10-64068094

                Contact: Lv Fang, Chen Sheng    E-mail: fuxiehui@hzshangwan.com