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                Meeting And Events

                Sino-German Exchange Meeting of Fluoroplastics Association, Held in Frankfurt


                  With joint efforts of Chinese and Germany Fluoroplastics Association, Sino-German Exchange Meeting of Fluoroplastics Association was held on May 15th in the headquarter of PRO-K,more than 20 delegates on both sides attended meeting.
                  President of Pro-k, Mr.Ralf Olsen, introduced the conditions of European plastics and fluoroplastics markets in the meeting. Secretary-General of Chinese Fluoroplastics Subcomittee,Chen sheng,also introduced development of Chinese fluoroplastics industry. The delegates on both sides also had a discussion on common concerns to financial crisis on the industry and develop applications areas in common. 
                  Pro-K was founded in 2006 by furniture and industrial semi-finished products and consumer plastic products the merger of the two associations. It includes 16 branches, the fluoropolymer committees is one of them.
                  According to Mr. Michael Schlipf, PTFE global consumption in 2008 was about 104,000 tons, of which about 27% in Western Europe, China accounted for 28%; fusible fluororesin global consumption of about 75,000 tons, accounting for about 20% in Western Europe, including consumer Most of the PVDF resin, the total consumption in Western Europe about 65%.

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