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                Meeting And Events

                Notice of “2009 China international forum of fluoroplastics processing and development”



                    Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee, China Plastics Association

                Notice of “2009 China international forum of fluoroplastics processing and development”

                In order to promote the sustainable development of Chinese fluoroplastics processing, and expand international exchanges and cooperation. 2009 China international forum of fluoroplastics processing and development will be held by China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee on November 5-6th 2009 in Wuxi Jiangsu province China. We’d like to invite related enterprises、specialists and scholars to join the forum and discuss the current situation and the developing trend of fluoroplastics products. Pls find the detailed schedule as follows:
                1.Meeting Time: November 5-6th, November 7th return trip.
                Reporting Time: November 4th
                2.Meeting Location: Landison Plaza Hotel in Wuxi.
                Add: No.8 Jincheng East Road,New District,Wuxi,Jiangsu,China
                Tel: 0510-85159999
                3.Main topics of the forum: Please refer to attachment 1(Main topics of the forum).
                4.Registration fee( Including meeting fee、materials fee、meal expense、excursion fee and other charges).
                Participants of Member companies: Register and pay for the meeting fee before October 20th: 1500 RMB per person. 
                Register and pay for the meeting fee from October 20th to present day of the forum: 1600 RMB per person.
                Participants of Non-member companies: 2000 RMB or 300 dollar per person.
                Participants of foreign invested fluoro-resin and equipmentsmanufacturers and agents, : 500 dollars per person.
                5.Accommodation: arranged by sponsor and at your own expense.
                6.The outside exhibition and donation: Please refer to attachment 3 for more information.
                7.Payment: Please remit the money to the following account.
                Opening bank: Beijing Branch Industrial and commercial bank of China (Bank number 032)
                Account: 0200003209014414762
                Account name: China Plastics Processing Industry Association Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee.
                Foreign participants can also pay by credit card or cash during the forum.
                8.Other affairs: In order to arrange the room and edit the address list, please fill in the attached form and return our subcommittee before October 25th by fax、E-mail or mail, if you have not received the form, please contact us directly. 

                Attachment 1 Main topics of the forum

                Attachment 2 Return form of the meeting

                China Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee
                Date: September 16th 2009
                Add:No.47 Jiu Gulou Street Beijing 100009 China
                Tel: +86 10-6403-0431/4804
                Fax:+86 10-6406-8094
                Email: fuxiehui@yahoo.com.cn