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                Meeting And Events

                Summary of ‘2011 China International Fluoroplastics Processing Development Forum’


                ‘2011 China International Fluoroplastics Processing Development Forum’ held by the Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastic Association was carried on with a bang in Ligao Crown Plaza Nanchang Hotel during Oct.30-31, 2011. Leaders attending the forum on invitation included deputy director of China Plastics Industry Association Cao Jian, chief of National Industry and Information Planning Department Wang Jianzhong, director of Information Department China Plastics Industry Association Xulin, and doctor Michael Schlipf, superintendent of Germany fluoropolymer group, was also invited to this meeting.
                What’s more, up to 350 representatives from domestic and international enterprises and senior professors from universities in fluoroplastics industry attended the forum, which made it a large-scale conference.
                The opening ceremony was chaired by director-general of Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastic Association Zhuang Su. Firstly, deputy director of China Plastics Industry Association Cao Jian addressed, he firstly expressed warm welcome and gracious greetings to all representatives, especially to those from faraway such as United States, Japan, German, South Korea, Belgium and Italy ect. Afterward, he made a significant speaking in the following aspects: the rapid growth of fluoroplatic production industry with the development of plastic industry, opportunities brought by the emerging strategy industries to fluoroplastics industry, enhancement of international communication and cooperation, promotion of sustainable development of fuloroplastic industry and so on. He pointed out the opportunities and challenges brought by the national twelveth five-year planning, and called for ‘enhancement of business management, reduction of energy consumption, taking the road of scale and specialization, strengthen of cooperation with intra-industries or related industries, better the technological upgrading and training of manpower, quality assurance, learning foreign management concepts, fulfillment of the role of industry association, and promotion of the suatainable development of plastic industry’ in the industry.
                Chief of National Industry and Information Planning Department Wang Jianzhong also gave an important speaking of ‘Take the opportunity and promote the sustainable development of China fluoroplastic industry’. He indicated that China fluoroplastic development would affect progress of global fluoroplastic industry significantly during the twelveth five-year plan period. Then he made a detailed analysis and statement on the external environment and situation of the fluoroplastic industry, and pointed out the developing direction in the future. Generally speaking, he had given a general advice and guidance on how to deal with the current situation and meet the requirement of the twelveth five-year plan.
                The forum themed by ‘Focus on The Twelfth Five-Year Plan, View on The Fluoroplastics Sustainable Development’ was conducted in the way of presentations for one day and discussion for half day, the current situation and development trend of domestic and foreign fluoroplastic industry were analyzed and elaborated, furthermore, the inter-communication on the relative technology and development between representatives was carried on, renewed development ideas of the industry.
                Firstly, both secretary-general of Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee China Plastic Association Chen Sheng and superintendent of Germany fluoropolymer group doctor Michael Schlipf delivered keynote speeches respectively on ‘Opportunities and challenges in front of China fluoroplastic industry’ and ‘Market and application of fluoroplastics’ .
                Afterward, about 17 representatives from domestic or foreign famous enterprises, universities and research institutions also brought their wonderful presentations, which mainly included topics on new applications of fluoroplastic productions, new development of raw materials, development of new process and equipment in fluoroplastic processing and so on. The application perspectives of fluoroplastic productions in the emerging strategy industries were focused on. The content-rich presenrations had broadened the horizon on processing and applications of fluoroplastics, which will play an important role in leading a healthy development of the industry.
                On Oct.31 afternoon, the discussion giving an opportunity for further communication between representatives was carried on. The representatives talked about their experiences on the forum, introduced enterprise development planning and rose the urgent problems, on the other hand, inter-understanding and professional knowledge had also been improved. It’s believed that new and advanced ideas will absolutely bring new development to the enterprises.
                Besides, during the meeting, part of the enterprise set up booths outside the venue to introduce their products and equipments more macroscopically and communicate with colleagues face to face, achieving satisfying results.
                Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee also prepared delicious gala dinner on Oct.31 evening, the attendees gathered together and celebrated the successful forum, it was really a relaxed and warm atmosphere, the representatives expressed that the forum was large-scaled and of great value, it deserved the most successful industry conference throughout the history.
                Finally, part of the representatives went for a study tour to Lushan during Nov.1-2, they reviewed the revolutionary spirit of Chinese revolutionary leaders, in the meantime, during the sightseeing, the representatives took the opportunity of further communication and understanding, which paved the way for future cooperation and collusion enterprise development.



