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                Meeting And Events

                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association’s Fifth Member Congress Holding in Beijing


                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association’s Fifth Member Congress held in Beijing in November 6th, 2012. About 200 members attended the conference.
                President Zhuang Su presided over the conference. Members deliberated and approved FSCPA’s forth council work report, FSCPA’s forth council financial report, FSCPA’s fifth council work regulations and detailed rules, FSCPA’s fifth council election method.
                According to FSCPA’s fifth council election method, members elected FSCPA’s fifth council members by secret ballot. 65 members such as Beijing Plastics Research Institute were elected to the director members of FSCPA’s fifth council. 
                In the subsequent conference of FSCPA’s fifth council, the director members elected president, vice presidents, secretary-general and expert group. Beijing Plastics Research Institute was elected to the president member. Zhuang Su was elected to the president. 15 director members such as Shanghai Shanghua Fluoro Material Co., Ltd were elected to the vice president members. 16 comrades such as Chen Sheng, Wu Fangtao were elected to the vice presidents. Chen Sheng was elected to the secretary-general. 42 comrades such as Li Tongsheng were elected to the expert group’s members.