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                Meeting And Events

                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony Holding in Beijing



                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony held in Beijing in November 6th, 2012. More than 200 delegates as well as some guests celebrated FSCPA’s 20th anniversary ceremony.
                Secretary-General Chen Sheng presided over the ceremony. President Zhuang Su made a report referring to FSCPA’s main work during twenty years.
                Vice- chairman Tao Xiaonian from China National Light Industry Council and Wang Jianzhong from Ministry of industry and information Technology of the People’s Republic of China made a speech at the ceremony.
                Relevant associations sent congratulatory letters to celebrate FSCPA’s 20th anniversary.
                The advanced enterprises and advanced personals were commended at the ceremony. Twelve enterprises such as Beijing Plastics Research Institute had the honor to get the most influential enterprises of 2008-2012 China fluoroplastics processing industry. Twenty-two enterprises such as Shanghai Shanghua Fluoro Material Co., Ltd had the honor to get the excellent enterprises of 2008-2012 China fluoroplastics processing industry. Four enterprises such as Zhonghao Chenguang Chemical Institute had the honor to get the excellent suppliers of 2008-2012 China fluoroplastics processing industry. Twelve comrades such as Wang Guifen were awarded the prize for lifetime achievement of China fluoroplastics processing industry. Twelve comrades such as Zhuang Su were awarded the prize for the exploit entrepreneurs of 2008-2012 China fluoroplastics processing industry. Twenty-seven comrades such as Wang Hong were awarded the prize for the advanced personals of 2008-2012 China fluoroplastics processing industry.