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                Meeting And Events

                Notice about Holding‘2015 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing’



                No. 13 [2015] FSCPA 


                Notice about Holding‘2015 China International Forum on
                Development of Fluoroplastics Processing’

                May 14, 2015

                Dear Members:
                This year is the final year of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. As the supporting materials for the national important developing strategic new industry, fluoroplastics industry has developed rapidly in the Twelfth Five-Year period. China's economy steps into the "new normal" phase currently, the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth. How to adapt to the "new normal", hold the new opportunity and promote fluoroplastics industry to develop sustainably is the concerning problem of the whole industry. Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Processing Industry Association is scheduled to hold “2015 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing” with the theme of “The Development of Fluoroplastics Industry under the New Normal”. As the most influential and appealing event in fluoroplastic industry, it has attracted the industry’s widen attention and expectation. Please view the main topics as follow:

                The main topics of the forum:
                1. The development trends of the global fluoroplastics market under the new normal;
                2. The opportunities of “internet+” and “one belt and one road” bringing to fluoroplastics industry;
                3. Innovation and application development of fluoroplastics products;
                4. The application of fluoroplastics in energy saving, environmental protection, filtering, automobile, sealing, cable and photovoltaic;
                5. The new development of fluoroplastics fiber;
                6. Processing and application of modified fluoroplastics products;
                7. The application of fluoroplastics in high pure electronic chemicals industry;
                8. The application of fluoroplastics in electric power;
                9. Fluoroplastics processing enterprises’ safety management and improvement of the industry efficiency;
                10. The development trends of fluoroplastics’ secondary processing; 
                11. Introduction of up-to-date fluororesins and fluoroplastics processing equipments development.

                Date and place:
                Date: In early November, 2015
                Place: Xi’an, Shanxi Province
                Specifics and expenses will be further noticed later. Non-member units should fill in a pre-registration list to receive the subsequent notice.

                Exhibition:( Booths are limited and available until full)
                Member: RMB 8000yuan/booth, and one of the representatives’ registration is free.
                Non-member: RMB 10000yuan/booth

                Articles should be under 5000 words with Chinese and English abstracts attached. Please use word document formats and E-mail to the committee with the title indicated at the email subject. The deadline is Sep.15, 2015. If you want to contribute, please send your article’s outline to the committee first for the convenience of meeting propaganda.
                Color page advertising: back cover: RMB 6000yuan, inside front cover and inside back cover: RMB 6000yuan, color insertion: RMB 4000yuan.
                Address list advertising: front cover: RMB 8000yuan, inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover: RMB 6000yuan.
                Meeting bag advertising: RMB 20000yuan (Exclusive)
                (Enterprises have to design the contents of ads by yourself, the layout should be full page, and the size should be the 16 paper, 285mm×210mm).

                The committee invites sponsors for the successful forum, please contact with the committee about the specific sponsorship schemes if necessary.

                Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Association
                Contact telephone: (010) 64034804 64030431 
                Fax: (010) 64068094
                Contact: Chen Sheng, Liu Qiuchen, Lv Fang 
                E-mail: fuxiehui@hzshangwan.com


                Pre-registration list of ‘2015 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing’(for non-member units)

                Receipt of investment invitation about ‘2015 China International Forum on Development of Fluoroplastics Processing’